The Choreographer Strikes Back!

It’s been just short of three years since our last blog post! Nearly the same time between the release of A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. Terrible joke I promise to keep them to a minimum. The Star Wars talk will stay though.

This post will just be a quick catch up as to what’s been happening and outline the plan for what this blog will be used for and will recap and open up a conversation again as feedback has asked if it will ever come back! 

So, what’s been happening... Too much! It’s been a 3 years of growth and development for the company. We have many new schools we have built up partnerships with, developed new open classes, created an entire new work and choreographed a pantomime! I will go into more detail about each of these developments over more blog posts. You can see a lot of these developments on our different social media platforms. Instagram has lots of good content, Twitter... I’m less useful with so if anyone has any tips on how to get better at it, I’m all ears!

What else do I plan to bring to the blog. Music, over the last few years I have found and shared some incredible music and something I have found really interesting is the difficulty teachers have in accessing and finding new music to teach with. So with the blog, I will hopefully bring some new tracks, artists and albums and ways to introduce them into classes. Discussion, over the last couple of years working with the new GCSE spec I have seen the importance of being open to new ideas and that having somewhere were ideas, examples or even somewhere to ask questions is even more important in this uncertain times of the Arts. More discussion, the Arts as a whole, the challenges that being a freelance choreographer entails, the current situation, ways and means that can help develop the arts and on a more positive note the next steps that JSDC will be taking to create and develop work. So as a sneak peak, we are currently working on an application for a short piece of work on the go.  This piece has been performed once in a small venue back in 2014 after a short creation period. Hopefully over the coming few months I will be allowed to say more! 

There are some more ideas I have coming up for the company and tomorrow will see the release of something very big and exciting.  The release details will come out on Friday, but tomorrow will be a massive clue!

Many thanks for reading this far, hopefully all the blogs will be released on the Sunday of each week. I’ll either begin to discuss panto or some new artists I have found. See you soon! 


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