Emails! I am going to have to rename this blog to the cryptic choreographers tale, as this week I have received three emails that contain super exciting news, but all of which I am not yet allowed to talk about properly yet! One of them involves a new potential set of performances for JSDC beginning in the summer, then an incredibly exciting performance opportunity coming after that! One that I can't even hint at yet, but it all promises to make for an exciting time ahead for JSDC.
So JSP, I haven't spoken about what we have been up to recently. We have taken on several new bookings since we first offered our services publicly. We have taken on 3 bookings for April, May and June and we are looking forward to working with each school and capturing there performance. We have begun to develop each of these schools unique artwork for the DVD cover and disc art and deliver a unique and personalised product, that each school can be proud of. If you have any enquires about a production you would like recorded please do get in touch with us and we can discuss what we can deliver in-depth. We are currently working on finalising the JSP information pages to cover everything we offer as in as much detail as possible.
Company merchandise! As you can see from the cover of this blog, we have had the finalised art work sent through for our new company t-shirts! These will be available to order in class from the start of next term, there will be two types of t-shirt available one with company logos on front and back and one with names/initials and then a company logo. These look awesome and I am very excited to be able to get them out to everyone! We will also be offering some very awesome jackets as well! We are going to have a giveaway when we receive the merchandise, keep an eye on our Instagram and Facebook page for more details about that soon. If you haven't liked our pages please visit: or
Energise debrief! Such an amazing meeting to round off Energise 2018. Thank you again to everyone that came and supported Energise and the dancers that performed so well at this years event. Next years show will have some very exciting developments to the whole event. We have also begun to discuss what Energise is able to offer in terms of the future and the support it can offer dancers and opportunities it can give to everyone.
See you all next week!