Easter Holiday catch up!
I'm getting into this blog writing malarky... I am writing two blog posts at once! This is a catch up post and updating you all on the developments over the Easter break and plans for the Summer term! The second post is about something that came up on my FaceBook timeline over the last week. 3 years ago, there was an 'interesting' statement released by Hofesh, Akram and Lloyd about the way they saw the current state of training and the things they felt it seemed to be missing. The post I am currently writing will address my points that I raised at the time, look at what has developed from their point of view since making the statement and what the future looks like in training and for young professionals coming into the world now. Hopefully, it will be an interesting post and keep people thinking about the way we communicate our ideas to the public.
Performances! So what will this term bring for performances, we will have several public performances including an evening for a new piece of work! There will be, maybe, a small tour of this new piece of work as well, more details about this will be released incredibly soon I promise. We will also be having a couple of youth platforms as well, these will be towards the end of term and details will be out in class this week. We will publicly release the information for these in the coming weeks and how to get tickets if you want to come and support JSDC and our youth companies.
Open Classes! Most classes will resume this week, there have been a few small changes to the first week back due to personal circumstances, but classes that this effects have been notified. If you're new to JSDC and want to come along and try any of our classes your first class is free to come and try it out. This is the same that goes for our in school clubs as well. There have been some new updates around the way JSDC access, stores and deletes your personal data, on our forms page you will be able to review our GDPR document this will explain all the info you require on GDPR and how JSDC store it. If you have any questions around this or previous data you might have given to JSDC please do get in touch via email and I will happily go through it all with you. On the forms page all our documents will now be accessible, you will be able to view our policies on child protection, social media and GDPR as well as a new up date to health and safety form! (Easter break has been so full of writing documents!)
Summer School! I really hope to get this information out at the beginning of next week, like I have mentioned before it will be an incredibly exciting project and has already had a lot of interest after I mentioned it last time.
Teaching! JSDC have some really exciting one off school workshops coming up this term, the first will be with a group of reception students and introducing them to what my job is! I have begun to make notes as I feel that if I was too list and discuss everything, instead of the hour workshop the school are looking for, I would more than likely be there all day explaining everything in a very brief fashion! We also have an all boys project that will be running all term that I am really looking forward to getting off the ground as we have been working on this for a long time and will be very exciting to start with the group. If you're interested in what we can bring to your school please do look at our education page and download our pack and see what we can offer.
Merchandise! This week will see the release of our merchandise going on general release, we will do an order at certain points throughout the year. It will more than likely be once a month, but this will be clearly stated on all order forms and on the website when that page goes live.
This weeks image is from our final end of term performance venue on the green in Cottenham, fingers crossed the weather is as good and the turn out to support all the youth groups that perform is just as good! There is so much happening at the moment and this term and summer period promises to be a really exciting time see you all next week!