Half Term!

I missed last week! I am very sorry, I was falling down a massive research hole that continued on well into Monday. So, why the researching and what was Monday... I was lucky enough to be offered some studio time with the Junction to begin development of a new piece of work. This is the first time JSDC has created work since the beginning of 2016 with first dates, so it has been a while since I have been in that place of that, day 1 feeling, blank piece of paper, new newness pressure, it was scary but also it was fun to get back into the studio put the music on and just move. The exploration, the freedom, the no idea of what I was doing was great fun. I don’t want to reveal what I was working on yet as I am not entirely sure where the piece is going to go yet, or the intention behind it, but I ended up creating about 10 minutes of movement and about 5 or 6 sections of ideas/theories I want to try out when I get a dancer into the studio. Yup it’s a new solo piece! First one since Talk To Me, back in 2012, wow I still really want to develop that piece too! There will be a call out soon for dancers to audition for the company as the summer period is looking pretty busy! And yes dancers is correct! 

It was great fun to be back and I look forward to what the next stage of what this process will hold!  

What else has half term held. Some much needed rest and relaxation, I saw Black Panther which was amazing, the art style and fight choreography are incredible along with the soundtrack. Tried to make pancakes... failed. Epically. The rest of the week has been spent catching up on emails and planning around this coming term. Plans for the end of year summer show have taken a big step forward along with summer school as well. Keep an eye out for info about those on our FB page and letters in class. 

This week we are back to full teaching which will be nice to see everyone and get back to it, JSDC have a few unique one off projects coming this half term which will be good fun. So keep an eye on the Instagram page to see where we are and what we’re up too. So see you all next week and another big thank you to The Junction for the use of J3.  

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