A catch up!

It's been a fairly normal week! Well, as normal as traveling 500 odd miles, delivering 27+ classes and getting to do some photography work can be.  

The week started out still recovering from Energise. The amount of positive feedback I have received from the show has been incredible. It truly was a brilliant birthday for Energise! To everyone that has taken the time to message the company or come and spoken to me personally I really do appreciate it. Next year's show is already in production, I reckon the blog will be the first place I reveal when Energise 2019 will be! I have begun to produce the DVDs from the show, getting to watch back the talent and the enjoyment from the two shows is great fun and makes the editing process so simple! There are two songs from the show that I haven't been able to stop listening to all week. If you want to order a show DVD there is still time. 

Oooo, something exciting, JSP had its first public sharing of a production it filmed! As you might be aware, before Christmas I was lucky enough to be invited to work with the Over Players and work on their choreography for Cinderella and along with that, I offered to produce the DVDs for the show. I will do a proper blog post about the show soon, but getting the chance to watch the show back with the cast and crew was a great evening, watching the choreography back was seriously entertaining, especially as people were doing it behind me, as was listening to everyone remember the songs and their harmonies! Plus getting to watch what JSP had created, projected on the big screen like that was pretty awesome too! 

This week also gave me the chance to get back behind the camera and do some headshot work. It is a side to photography I love to do, the difference between tiny moments in the eyes, the way the shoulders can show or hide so much and balancing ISO, aperture and the different lighting sources, is great fun getting to 'direct' like that. I will hopefully, with permission from Kirsty, get some of the photos online and previous work and complete the learn more sections on the website!

The week ended in a very interesting fashion that I really am unable to talk about. I wish I could but, there is something very interesting that could potentially make the a point in this year huge. Just to add another thing to other thing I can't talk about! I will not be so cryptic on the next post I promise.  


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